
Praxis Part 6 - Balance & The Peace Point

Crystal Miller

All things in nature/science are striving toward some sort of balance and stability. There are pulls we understand as gravity, magnetitc forces, bonds (covalent, ionic, love), etc. that pull every...

Praxis Part 6 - Balance & The Peace Point

Crystal Miller

All things in nature/science are striving toward some sort of balance and stability. There are pulls we understand as gravity, magnetitc forces, bonds (covalent, ionic, love), etc. that pull every...

Foundations Part 5: Unpublished

Crystal Miller

This piece of work remains unpublished to-date.

Foundations Part 5: Unpublished

Crystal Miller

This piece of work remains unpublished to-date.

Foundations Part 4: Dichotomy

Crystal Miller

For every concept that exists, so does it’s opposite. For light there is dark For birth there is death For red there is green For male there is female For...

Foundations Part 4: Dichotomy

Crystal Miller

For every concept that exists, so does it’s opposite. For light there is dark For birth there is death For red there is green For male there is female For...

Foundations Part 3: Cosmic Harmony

Crystal Miller

“You” … …can’t be you without the participation of the countless microintellegences that comprise you. You are made of trillions of cells all smooshed together to create a body of...

Foundations Part 3: Cosmic Harmony

Crystal Miller

“You” … …can’t be you without the participation of the countless microintellegences that comprise you. You are made of trillions of cells all smooshed together to create a body of...

Foundations Part 2: Universal Truth

Crystal Miller

Think about what it means to have a universal truth. Not a personal truth, but one truth shared by everyone. A fact that cannot be denied. How many things can...

Foundations Part 2: Universal Truth

Crystal Miller

Think about what it means to have a universal truth. Not a personal truth, but one truth shared by everyone. A fact that cannot be denied. How many things can...

Foundations Part 1: BYOG. A Preface

Crystal Miller

Cosmogasm. Def. “A manifestation of thoughts and feelings that arise without trigger. An indescribable experience that is typically associated with God, nature, the universe, or the Devine.”

Foundations Part 1: BYOG. A Preface

Crystal Miller

Cosmogasm. Def. “A manifestation of thoughts and feelings that arise without trigger. An indescribable experience that is typically associated with God, nature, the universe, or the Devine.”